Ace System

Ace System

Feb 2024 - Apr, 2024 (3 months ago)


A custom web application for Cooperatives with different coop & branches. Some of the cooperatives have hundreds to thousands of members, that is why ACE System was developed. ACE System helps to solve manual processes that will take a lot of efforts and resources such as manual registration of attendance and manually counting of election votes.

The coop tried other event & election website online, but these web application offers from little to none on customization that the cooperatives are looking for. With the collaboration with another developer Rojan Yepes and with the constant communication & meetings with our client Nelma Dayao, we implemented a lot of features that other web application could not offer.

Features ✨

  1. Admin
    • User Management with specific roles (Root, Admin, Staff)
    • Creation of event with types (Event, Election)
    • Event Attendees list using exported MIGS(Member in good standing) list in xlsx or csv fromat generated from their local software called eCoop.
    • Uploading of event Cover Images
    • Dynamic generated event URL in form of QR Code or URL
    • Event configuration & Election configuration
    • Email support for sending OTP of members
    • Staff attendance assistance for members with no mobile device
    • Staff voting assistance for members with no mobile device
    • Staff claims assistance for members with no mobile device
    • Tracking of staffs assisted attendance/registration and incetive claims
  2. Members Accessable page (Public)
    • Member search using QR Code scanner, or Passbook number, or Search by name
    • Online Event
    • Online Registration
    • Online Election/Voting
      • Send Email of members vote copy
    • Online claiming of incentives

The most challenging aspect of this project for me was the initial database provider. Initially, everything seemed to be functioning smoothly. However, as the client began testing the website in preparation for the upcoming presentation/demo, issues arose. Despite my assurance that the database was running, the application consistently displayed errors indicating otherwise.

After spending the entire night troubleshooting, I discovered that other developers had encountered similar problems with their deployments. It became evident that the provider might not have been production-ready. Consequently, I made the decision to switch to AWS RDS, which proved to be a successful move. The application ran smoothly without encountering the previous issues, enhancing its speed and reliability.

The system was successfully used on VALDECO 44TH ANNUAL REGULAR GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING. The system functions well during the event and we recieved positive feedbacks:

The system is user friendly

- Valdeco Staff/Admin

The system has a modern UI & a theme toggle(Dark/Light/System). It is a small detail but helps a lot on productivity

- Client's Daughter

The election result was so quick and we finished the election event compare to last year

- Client & Valdeco Staff/Admin