Infinite Void Game (JavaFx)

Infinite Void Game (JavaFx)

Jan 2021 - Jan, 2021 (3 years ago)

This is literally no ending game. You will be a ship which the main goal is to survive the harsh void where one Huge Red Alien life exist trying dominate the outer space.

Game Screenshot

Download Infinite Void Game Here 👉 Infinite Void Game Release Page.

Why did i created this game?

This is a simple game which is inspired by the Nokia game called "Space Impact" which i've been playing when i was 7 years old. Now i kinda remember that game so i created this really really simple game.


Mouse Movement - Character Movement

T - to start the game

P - Pause/Resume

A - Firing Mode 1 (Deploy 1 missile)

S - Firing Mode 2 (Deploy 2 missiles) Only Unlocks after 100 kills

D - Firing Mode 3 (Deploy 3 missiles) Only Unlocks after 10,000 kills

O - Add 1 More Enemy in the Game

NumLock - Enable Debugging mode (For Developer)

Build Using

  • Java 14
  • JavaFX
  • CSS
  • FXML

Since I was learning more about java at the time, my code doesn't follow any best practices or principles