Philip Rice Dealer

Philip Rice Dealer

Nov 2022 - Feb, 2023 (a year ago)

We designed and developed a custom web app tailored for Philip Rice Dealer to streamline online orders from their store partners, integrating essential features like inventory management and sale forecasting.

In collaboration with Zalven, our team created a fully customized e-commerce and inventory management web application. My responsibilities encompassed both Front-End and Back-End logic, where I implemented REST API endpoints. Meanwhile, Zalven took charge of liaising with the client, collecting and analyzing sales data to determine the ideal model for predicting future sales.

To enhance the user experience and ensure efficient deployment, we chose Next.js for the web app, which we deployed on Vercel. For the sale forecasting aspect, we implemented an XGBOOST prediction model using Python Flask. This model resides on an AWS Elastic Beanstalk server, ensuring robust performance and scalability.

The integration of various technologies and the collaboration between Front-End and Back-End development, coupled with sophisticated sales forecasting, has resulted in a comprehensive solution for Philip Rice Dealer's online order management.

Features ✨

  • Inventory
  • Ordering System
  • Order Tracking
  • Notification vial email using Nodemailer (Order Status & Order Request)
  • Secure Authentication using JWT & Http Only cookie
  • Printing of receipt
  • Account Management (Admin & Partner store)
  • Dedicated Admin Page & Dedicated Partner Store Page