Unsaid Feelings

Unsaid Feelings

Oct 2023 - Jan, 2024 (6 months ago)

Unsaid Feelings is a web app that provides a platform for expressing your deepest emotions anonymously. If you lack the courage to share your feelings with someone directly, this platform offers a safe space for you to open up. You have the freedom to provide your name with an alias to protect your identity. It's important to note that this application does not collect any personal information about you when you submit your emotions.

Originally conceived by three members of Senpai Devs on March 11, 2022, Unsaid Feelings began as a simple collaboration summer project. The team, consisting of Zalven, Andrei, and myself (Jerbee), developed the project using the MERN stack and deployed it on Heroku, A few days a lot of submissions where submitted to the site and we're happy that people use it and help them. Unfortunately, due to changes in Heroku's free tier, the original site is no longer accessible. You can find the source code for the original version on (Github).

Following my graduation from college on July 12, 2023, I embarked on a journey to learn TypeScript. Recognizing the potential to enhance Unsaid Feelings, I decided to create a new version with a revamped UI and improved features, harnessing the power of TypeScript & Next.js 14. For the v2, I chose Next.js due to its impressive features, including SEO capabilities, image optimization, and more.

Unsaid Feelings v2 Features ✨

  • Infinite Scrolling
  • New card themes/styles
  • Dynamic Rendering of meta Images for social media cards (SEO)
  • Sharable submissions
  • Exportable Submission into PNG Image